Work Items — Table View
Viewing Options
The work items table view offers powerful ways to customize the work items that you care about, whether it's your assigned work items, all unassigned work items, or something else. By using a combination of filters and grouping you can make sure you're only seeing the work items that you need to see.
The screenshot below shows a flat view of your assigned work items:

- Here you can see that we have selected the "Table View". The other option is the "Board" view.
- There are two ways to organize your work items: Flat or Tree. The "Flat" view is the one selected in the screenshot. As the name suggests, this displays your work item in a flat list. If "Tree" is selected, then you will be able to see the nested structure of your work items. That is, you will see sub work items (referred to as "Children") nested inside their parent work item.
- The Assignee selector lets you pick from three options: "Everyone", "Me" (the one selected), and "Nobody". When "Me" is selected then you will only see your assigned work items. If "Everyone" is selected, then you will see all work items that have an assignee. If "Nobody" is selected, then you will see all unassigned work items. It is possible to select more than one option. For example, if you select "Me" and "Nobody", then you will see any work item that is either unassigned, or assigned to you.
- Here you can see that there are 4 filters that have been applied to the current view. If you click on the filter icon, then you will see the applied filters, and you can make changes, if needed. Located to the left of the filter icon is the "Saved Filters" selector, which will allow you to select from any previously saved filters that you may have created.
The screenshot below show the same configuration as above, except that the work items have now been grouped by Priority:
Adding New Work Items
If you need to quickly add new work items to the table view, then simply click on the "+ Add Item" button at the bottom of the table, as show below:
Bulk Actions
Sometimes you might need to apply the same update to multiple work items. In this case you can click the checkboxes for the work items that you want to update. For example, you might want to quickly change the priority for several work items at once. Bulk actions make it easy to apply these bulk updates. The screenshot below shows an example:
- Here you can see an example of a selected work item. The checked box and the light blue background indicate that a row has been selected.
- After checking at least one checkbox you will see the bulk action toolbar appear at the top of the table. Here you can see that 7 different work items have been selected, and are ready for a bulk action to be applied.
- Click the edit (pencil) icon to perform a bulk update. After click on the icon you will be presented with a modal that allows you to select how you'd like to update the selected work items.
- Alternatively, you might need to bulk delete the selected work items.