Creating Work Items

To create a new work item click on the blue "+" button at the top of the page and select "Work Item."


Every work item has a type, such as Task or Sub-Task.


The Title field is required for all work items.


This is the person who is responsible for completing the work item. You can only have one assignee per work item. If you will have multiple people working on the same thing, then you can create child work items (e.g., create Sub-Task work items inside a Task). Whenever a new work item is created the assignee will receive a notification about their assignment.


Work Items can have a start date and due date. Both fields are optional.


This is where you can enter information about the requirements for a work item. You can format your details as needed with rich text editing, and even add links inside your details.


You can upload 1 or more files when creating new work items.

Work Role

A work role, such as "Designer" (which are fully customizable in the Admin section) can be assigned to work items. One reason you may choose to make this type of assignment is if, for example, you know that a work item needs to be assigned to a designer, but you don't yet know specifically which designer. Through the use of filtering you can later find all work items assigned to designers, and then make the appropriate assignment to a specific person. This is often done on the Schedule page in Ravetree.

Parent Story (Epic, or Task)

If you have created a child work item for another work item, then this field will show you its parent work item. In the screenshot above, we are creating a Task, and we have the option to associate it with a User Story. That is, we have can make it a child work item. Alternatively, if we had set the Type of this work item to User Story, then this field would be labeled as "Parent Epic".


When creating a work item you may no know who it needs to be assigned to, but you may know that it needs to be assigned to someone on a particular team. Use this option to make an assignment to a particular team.


A follower is someone who wants to receive notifications whenever a work item is updated. The "Assignee" is automatically added as a follower, but you can add additional followers if needed.


Checklists can be used to break a work item down in to a list of to-do items.

Depends On

This is where you can specify dependency relationships between two work items. Dependencies have a predecessor and successor work item, and are always created from the successor work item. That is, the "Depends On" search field is where you search for the predecessor work item—the one this work item depends on.


You can add as many tags to a work item as needed. Tags can be particularly useful when utilizing Ravetree's filtering capabilities. 

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