Creating invoices

Click on the "+" button in the upper left and select "Invoice". This will open up the invoice setup form as shown below:

  1. Every invoice must have a contact. This is the person to whom the invoice will be sent. Often a contact is associated with an account (possibly more than one account). The account is optional, but is usually included, as this represents the company at which the contact works.
  2. There are 6 different things that can be invoiced: expenses, projects, retainers, service items, time logs, and work items. If you don't need to invoice one of the types, say, "Retainers", then you can simply click on the blue button representing that item to disable it on the invoice. In the above screenshot all 6 line item types are enabled. To add items to your invoice click on the row for the items you want to add (as shown by the arrow pointing to "Service Items").

The screenshot above shows the expanded Time Logs section.

  1. This section includes the filters you can apply to determine which items (time logs in this case) show up on the invoice. Keep in mind that the time logs are also filtered by the contact or account on the invoice, with the account taking precedence if both are selected.
  2. Several display settings are provided to give you control over the information that is presented on the line items. The "Layout" dropdown defaults to "Show All", but you can also choose from: Aggregate, Consolidate, and Group.
  3. Click the checkbox if taxes need to be applied to the line item.
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